Den nyeste viden om modstandsdygtighed på arbejdspladsen.

Få indsigt i den nyeste viden om, hvilke områder der er vigtige, når du vil opbygge modstandsdygtighed hos dine medarbejdere.

  • Rapport

Becoming a rising, resilient business

Employers are used to investing in benefits packages and health insurance as tools for attracting and retaining the right talent, but in the modern day, employees and society expect intelligent alignment with their needs, from social wellness to professional development and mindset growth. And those who do invest in their teams may stand to gain so much more.

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  • Whitepaper

Diversitet, lighed og inklusion på arbejdspladsen

At advokere for diversitet, lighed og inklusion (’DE&I’) er ikke et nyt tema for mange organisationer – men eksterne faktorer genforstærker behovet for en robust DE&I strategi og accelerer presset på organisationen for at handle og rapporterer om DE&I-mål.

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  • Undersøgelse

2021 Global Wellbeing Survey

Indtil nu, har leddet mellem medarbejdertrivsel og selskabets præstation været uklar, men Aon’s 2021 globale trivselsundersøgelse undersøger netop dette direkte led mellem medarbejdertrivsel og forretnings præstation.

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  • Artikel

The importance of workplace resilience: why should businesses care?

The world of work is ever-changing, and the COVID-19 pandemic has caused immense upheaval and catalysed new ways of working. We take a look at why resilience is so important to businesses - and how companies can help build resilient workforces.

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How great coaches build brilliant habits

Positive habits are not built overnight. But with inspirational leadership, can organisations play a more fundamental role in improving the health and wellbeing of their employees? We explore the role managers can play in coaching their people to achieve personal and professional ambitions, and in doing so, build healthy habits that will last a lifetime.

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When is the right time to talk about money?

In many cultures and for many individuals money is not something that is discussed openly. Yet learning how today’s decisions can affect tomorrow, and what long-term saving strategies are available can have a hugely positive impact on an employee’s state of mind, as well as helping to create a productive and happy workforce in the long run.

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Why wealth benefits are a prerequisite to health benefits

As wealth disparity increases, economic crises abound, and unemployment is always a possibility, employees are becoming more in need of financial support. Getting the fundamentals of prevention, intervention, and education in place can reduce the health and wealth gap, as well as creating an employer brand people potentially flock to.

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The benefits you would never think of

An above-average pension package, a subsidised gym membership, and maybe if you are lucky, a ping pong table. It is safe to say that many benefit packages are suffering from a homogeneity that leaves little differentiation. So organisations are reimagining their traditional benefits package in order to attract and, more importantly, retain the best talent.

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Stepping back, or stepping up? Getting the right financial support to employees

While the long term financial impact of COVID-19 is not yet known, in the short-term it has had far reaching effects for employees. We explore how employers are uniquely positioned to help their workforces manage their financial wellbeing, and how employees need to understand the key drivers that will ensure they are able to support themselves.

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