Den nyeste viden om modstandsdygtighed på arbejdspladsen.

Få indsigt i den nyeste viden om, hvilke områder der er vigtige, når du vil opbygge modstandsdygtighed hos dine medarbejdere.

  • Rapport

Becoming a rising, resilient business

Employers are used to investing in benefits packages and health insurance as tools for attracting and retaining the right talent, but in the modern day, employees and society expect intelligent alignment with their needs, from social wellness to professional development and mindset growth. And those who do invest in their teams may stand to gain so much more.

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  • Whitepaper

Diversitet, lighed og inklusion på arbejdspladsen

At advokere for diversitet, lighed og inklusion (’DE&I’) er ikke et nyt tema for mange organisationer – men eksterne faktorer genforstærker behovet for en robust DE&I strategi og accelerer presset på organisationen for at handle og rapporterer om DE&I-mål.

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  • Artikel

Global mobility and remote working: how to build a resilient mobile workforce

Until recently, the concept of global mobility was taken for granted. The potential to experience different cultures, and to share employee experience within a global workforce, was something many employees enjoyed and many companies benefited from.

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Using digital technology to ensure strong social and team connections

In an age of information and unprecedented change, digital technology is increasingly being used to create social connections. As a result, employees are demanding more from their employers, in the hope that digital technology can help them to manage their home and work lives with more autonomy. So just how can employers ensure these channels are effective?

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Uncovering how to support the emotional wellbeing of a global workforce

The impact poor mental health can have on a workforce is increasingly well recognised. The role employers can play has huge potential in supporting emotional wellbeing and offsetting its negative effects, but as businesses grow their workforces globally, how can employers provide cross-cultural health and wellbeing solutions that are inclusive and support diversity?

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